Friday, March 16, 2007

Anybody awake?

it really bothers me,where are the other members of this site.

are they all busy with their exams?or have they suffered a computer crash?
it's making me curious and worried.Have they taken the blue pill,or the red pill?

Please guys lets not make this blog a not even a dialogue.
lets make it a multilougue.

Some of the latest things,(read one liners) that are bothering my exam torutred mind right now are:

1.Selling a client,your software product,is like giving your product for free,but still being haggled for a lower price.

2.Meregers are simply big fish eating small fish,after giving them insurance.

3.Affrimative action simply means giving pink slips with employment exchange numbers on the back.

Well,i don't necessarily subscribe to these views,but i am just posting them,to continue my monologue.

Anybody awake?


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