Friday, April 18, 2008

Fractly Speaking

After using Photoshop for over three years I finally got tired of doing the same things to get a random fractal-like background. Credit for some of the frustration goes to
Seeing some of the work there I was crushed to note that my pseudo-complex designs just didn't match up.
Nonetheless with 2GB of RAM and a 2.2GHz dual core beckoning it was time to call in the big guns. Thats where I came across Apophysis. It generates amazing fractals in real-time on the basis of the transformation you select. Yes I know the description is a bit vague, but given that even I am a noob as far as this software is concerned I hope most of you guys will tolerate it.
Any way I strongly suggest downloading one of the newer (post 2.05) beta versions as most of the tutorials I found work with these.
Also to get an idea of what you can do with Apophysis I have uploaded 3 of my latest creations.

Enjoy :)

The Bedouin

The Lady in the Water(This was touched up in PS later)

Dancing Twins

Note: This post was taken verbatim from my own blog. I found that it was in context for the Balshree blog too, since Creativity can be anything you like.


Unknown said...

My personal favorites lie in Julia Sets...
Though nice share the expressions u used, that would be more close to open source sharing.

Zero said...

I generally try to modify the the transformations by using the triangle visualizations
hence it is not very easy to remember what exactly I did back then
I think it turns out best when you make 2-3 random transformation, then think about what the image resembles and then try to enhance that effect