Monday, November 20, 2006

Fighting Nothingity.

Ok, I agree that this is not one of my best poem, but since I have kept it open sourced then, I will accept any kind of change.
Nothinity will bring red lines in MS Word, to indicate that there is no such word, but I think I can bring some of crap in already craped up english, to make it according to my taste.

Fighting nothinity.

Fighting the lark of golden light,
Amazing visions blinding me in dark.
Thoughts in flow shall stand tall,
I am being pressed against the wall.

War cry is what i hear every day,
Typhoons and tycoons are looting us away.
I want to fight them out,
Presently I am stalled, stalled till death.

Fight, fight is cry from every corner,
Fight fight, is the music i hear.
Fight, fight is what i shy from.
But still i will fight nothingity.

This state, state of hell,
no money, no kebabs and finding driest well.
Still i will win, is cry from soul.
After fighting i will leave it around the door.

If you like ant single line of the poem then please do mention it. I will certainly love appreciation.

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